Monday, 9 June 2008

event.exhibition 06.06.08

Click here to view larger image or here for Italian translation.

Click here to view event.exhibition photos

Monday, 19 May 2008

Collage Mural Project Event.Exhibition

Collage Mural Project Event.Exhibition
Friday 6th June 2008
491 Gallery - Leytonstone
Click here for a map

If you would like to put up work in the gallery we will be there Friday (6th June) from 2pm.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Collage Mural Project....event.exhibition

The exhibition will display all of the collage so far created in weekend London group collage sessions and collage from other parts of the globe - Cape Town etc.... As well as any work in any media which relates to the project either visually or conceptually contributed by you or anyone else.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Collage Mural Project.......

Hi, welcome to the Blogspot for the Collage Mural Project!

This project is about being part of a group. Coming together and sharing ideas. Seeing the potential of group work where everyone has a voice and the artwork becomes a pinboard for our communal mind.

We are talking about climate change and the Collage Mural Project is an expression of the thinking of the moment. The medium of collage allows for ideas to be conveyed in a very spontaneous way. Its a weave of different perceptions, giving a visual form to our criss-crossing collective thought.

Climate change is a massive issue. It's something which has the potential to affect every person on the planet and strongly brings home the message of personal responsibility. Climate change is the symptom of the current thought structures that need to change. I believe that one of the biggest changes that needs to happen is a change in our perception of ourselves in relation to everything else, planet and people. We are part of a totally interconnected whole, a living organism and in order for that organism to move forward each indvidual has to work towards being the best that they can be in order to contribute to the whole in the best way they can. Climate change is pushing us towards new ways of developing solutions which are not only better for the planet but are better for us. I hope that through this wake up call we will be inspired to jump off this crazy hamster wheel and live lives more aligned with our vast potential.

I invite you all to partcipate in this project in which ever way you would like. It's a living, breathing, growing, changing art work and everyone is free to expand it in any direction. The core is the collage wall which provides the focus and brainstorming of ideas and impressions. Collage is a fantastic medium, quick, spontaneous, fun, but is also very telling in that it allows for a subconcious flow of energy to come through. It is also a great way to make art out of old magazines and found bits and pieces. I believe that art (in any form) has the ability to reflect, teach, inspire and assist in our process of evolving beacause it connects us with something that is beyond the everyday and allows us glimpses into each others unspoken worlds.

The collage's first exhibition event will be held on Friday the 6 of June 2008 at 491 Gallery in East London. The idea for the event is to expand the collage mural project, firstly, by exhibiting and working on the collage in a gallery space and secondly, by inviting people to make their own contributions in any form which is linked either visually or conceptually with the project. The collage wall acts then as the source material. These contributions could be in the form of art works, music, performance, writings, film, poetry, dance or even in the involvement in the set up of the evening. The invitation is also extended to all those not in London who may want to contribute via email, collages can be scanned, emailed and added to the wall.

So 2 months to keep collaging and work on other pieces......any questions or ideas let me know! Check out the website for 491 Gallery at

Have delicious days!

Thursday, 13 March 2008

......drawing inspiration, new groups, re-collage, natural inks, re-cycled papers, massive prints, experiment with materials, experiment with new thinking, sharing ideas, group work, collage inspired artwork, video, music, dance, performance, writing, time for fun, space to relax, break down some boundaries, mandalas and ever expanding circles, share in a creative process, all colours, sizes, shapes, opinions, patchwork, natural foods, one source, many possibilities, collage mural project........

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

What's it all about?

Collage Mural Project is about getting together in a creative and free space to think about issues of change, and get to know each other on a level where we can better support and nurture the parts of ourselves that don't always get enough time or attention in day to day business. It's not about being the best, but working towards a better you for a better whole. This is a project about working as a group, realising that every person's participation will shape the outcome, and seeing the potential and strength of a group focus.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Climate 4 Change Exhibition

Heya....Some photos from our exhibit at the Climate 4 Change Exhibition. Tonight was the preview but it'll be open every Tues and Thurs evenings from now on and is open to ongoing submissions so we may pop back and change ours as we have new ideas.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Collage Mural Project, WHY NOT

Hey Guys

Welcome to blog number 2. We have had 3 weeks of collage so far, each event individual and leading to further interesting developments. The wall is growing in an energetic and vibrant dance of text, image and colour. As we go we are photographing and scanning the collages, and printing this imagery out to re-collage it back into the wall. The documented process (ie. photos of us) is also becoming very much part of the aesthetic. We have had a lot of fun, some excellent snacks and some very cool conversation. If anyone has any ideas on how to make the project grow please let us know.....


Collage Mural Project, Event no.2

Collage Mural Project, Event no.1

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Collage Mural Project

Hey guys.....

Welcome to the Blogspot for the Collage Mural Project. Last week we had our first get together, a chilled out affair that sparked some interesting conversation and creative collaging.

The idea for the project is group mural collage, getting people together to collage and re-collage what others have done, weaving a wall of ideas, images, and hopefully a reflection of everyone as an individual, but as part of a group aesthetic.

The ideas centre around climate change and how this is our major wake up call. Using this as a starting point, we're talking about the changes that are going to need to occur on all levels....from renewable energy and re-cycling to changes in our consumerist society, to changes in our thinking about ourselves in relation to nature, and begin a search for a better and more integrated way of living, one which is more reflective of our immense human potential. So the idea is to use the collage as a platform to start talking and interacting as a group.

We have started in our home using a wall in our lounge and see how it grows, probably moving onto panels which could be moved around. We would love to be part of the free-submission exhibition: Climate of Change, being held in Finchley Rd this month.

We like the idea of kick-starting these collaging sessions with some kind of stimulus, filmic or music related. Last week we watched 'The Story of Stuff' check it out on - def well worth the watch.

Watch this space to see how our collage grows........

Ciao! xx

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Collage Mural Project Event.Exhibition 06.06.08

Il Collage Mural Project é un progetto artistico di gruppo che ha come tema il cambiamento climatico, usando arte e interazione per stimolare creatività e conversazione.

Il progetto é nato nel gennaio del 2008 con piccoli incontri fine-settimanali nei quali un gruppo di amici faceva collage e scambiava idee riguardanti il cambiamento climatico. Queste sessioni iniziali hanno avuto un grande successo e il progetto si é allargato nella sfera pubblica grazie ad un’esibizione (event.exhibition) che ha permesso lo sviluppo di ulteriore collage e quindi la crescita del murale, ma anche la creazione di lavori e opere diversi — dipinti, fotografie, filmati, improvvisazioni musicali — legati al progetto visivamente o concettualmente.

Il Collage Mural Project é un’iniziativa che vuole coinvolgere tutti nel processo creativo e invita i partecipanti ad estendere il progetto in ogni direzione. Rispecchiando una mente ”di gruppo” nella quale numerose idee sono amalgamate e trasformate in un messaggio collettivo, il progetto fa eco alla nozione che piccoli cambiamenti a livello individuale eguagliano un cambiamento generale molto più grande.

L’arte ci permette di accedere alle migliori parti di noi stessi. È un aspetto vitale ed eccitante dell’essere umano. L’arte può insegnare molto grazie al modo in cui ci fa riflettere su chi siamo e a che punto siamo sul sentiero della nostra vita. Ci permette anche di modellare il futuro e lasciare messaggi positivi in chi entra in contatto con essa. È un mezzo di comunicazione estremamente effettivo perché ci parla ad un livello inconscio. In questo progetto tutti siamo artisti liberi di riflettere sulla nostra attuale condizione, proporre soluzioni e immaginare le possibilità celate nel futuro.

Questo progetto ha l’intenzione di vedere il cambiamento climatico come un’opportunità positiva, un modo per riflettere su dove siamo e come siamo arrivati a questo punto. A cosa diamo valore e cosa dobbiamo cambiare. È un’opportunità per svegliarci dal nostro torpore, affrontare le nostre responsabilità e iniziare a prendere in considerazione le delicate trame che esistono in questo mondo naturale di cui facciamo parte e di cui abbiamo bisogno. Connettendoci l’un con l’altro e con la Terra per creare una nuova consapevolezza globale, opportunità emergono per la razza umana di maturare nel vasto potenziale che é la vita.

Testo tradotto da Daniele Bora.