Hey guys.....
Welcome to the Blogspot for the Collage Mural Project. Last week we had our first get together, a chilled out affair that sparked some interesting conversation and creative collaging.
The idea for the project is group mural collage, getting people together to collage and re-collage what others have done, weaving a wall of ideas, images, and hopefully a reflection of everyone as an individual, but as part of a group aesthetic.
The ideas centre around climate change and how this is our major wake up call. Using this as a starting point, we're talking about the changes that are going to need to occur on all levels....from renewable energy and re-cycling to changes in our consumerist society, to changes in our thinking about ourselves in relation to nature, and begin a search for a better and more integrated way of living, one which is more reflective of our immense human potential. So the idea is to use the collage as a platform to start talking and interacting as a group.
We have started in our home using a wall in our lounge and see how it grows, probably moving onto panels which could be moved around. We would love to be part of the free-submission exhibition: Climate of Change, being held in Finchley Rd this month.
We like the idea of kick-starting these collaging sessions with some kind of stimulus, filmic or music related. Last week we watched 'The Story of Stuff' check it out on www.storyofstuff.com - def well worth the watch.
Watch this space to see how our collage grows........
Ciao! xx
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